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Woman in Artland vol.11 ChonTea ファウスティン・タン/Faustine Tan

 Artlandな人びと、11人目のWoman in Artlandは、インドネシア・バリ島でChonTeaとして活動しているファウスティン・タン/Faustine Tanさんです。お茶を通して、とてもワクワクする非日常へ導いてくれるChonTeaのワークショップは、まさに一杯のお茶の中にアドベンチャーを感じる"adventures in a cup of tea"のとおり。大の日本好きで日本へは10回以上行ったことがあるそうで、お抹茶の点て方もここバリ島でおしえています。
初めて会った日にワークショプを一緒にしてみようよ!の話になり、4月17日に我が家の庭で開催決定。家庭でできるお茶の循環ワークショップ"Circle of leaf"も一緒にします

1. ファウスティンさんについて、そしてChonTeaの始まりをおしえてください。 

Please let us know about you and how you started ChonTea.

My name is Faustine, 35years old and I lived in between Bali and Bangkok for the past 9 years, this is the first year I did not take any flight due to pandemic, but soon.
My Mother originally from Surabaya, so I grew up in Surabaya, Jakarta and Malaysia. I start my first job when I was in University at The London School of Public Relations, as a junior journalist for a local newspaper in Jakarta and then move to UNICEF as a trainee and grown my corporate career there for 4 years, decided to move to Bali in 2009, helping my family in wooden industry for a while but I knew this is not my passion, so I started a very small travel kiosk selling speed boat tickets and adventures in Bali for foreigners or local tourists, from here I start understand myself that I think I love to develop something new and then if it's develop enough I sell or I transfer the foundation I build to other people.
So my entrepreneurial journey start from there.

母はスラバヤ出身で、スラバヤ、ジャカルタ、マレーシアで育ちました。私はロンドン大学広報学部/The London School of Public Relationsで、ジャカルタのローカル新聞のジュニアジャーナリストとして最初の仕事を始め、その後ユニセフに研修生として移り、そこで4年間企業でのキャリアを伸ばしました。

In 2012 my former lecturer offered me a job from his friend in HongKong, it was a startup, we build an App for people to book Last Minute Hotel called HotelQuickly App (similar to HotelTonight in The United States), starting in Indonesia and scaling the business to 12 different countries in Asia Pacific.  
We sold HotelQuickly to a Singaporean Holding company in early 2017.
Two months after 2017 I'm in touch with one of Venture Capital founder and he recommended me to meet Vikram Malhi and Dan Lynn (they are former top management for Expedia Holding and Founded Airasia Go (a join ventures between AirAsia and Expedia). They build a startup called Zuzu Hospitality Ltd., this is the company that I'm in charge as full time right now for 5 years; a similar journey on how I started HotelQuickly App, we open in Indonesia with only few people and now we have over 100+ employees in 6 Southeast Asia Countries.

2012年、私の恩師が、香港にいる彼の友人からの仕事をオファーしてくれました。スタートアップでした。インドネシアで始まり、HotelQuickly App(米国のHotelTonightに似ています)と呼ばれる「ギリギリ/last minutesでもホテル予約OKなアプリ」を構築。アジア太平洋地域の12カ国でのビジネスへと展開していきました。
その2か月後、あるベンチャーキャピタルの創設者の1人が、私にVikramMalhiとDanLynnの2人(Expedia HoldingとAirasia Go(AirAsiaとExpediaのベンチャー企業)の元トップマネジメント)に会うよう勧めました。 彼らは、Zuzu Hospitality Ltd.というスタートアップを始めました。

So, I can say that I really love to build something from the scratch, then structure and scale them.
Zuzu Hospitality is a SAAS company (Software as a Service), we provide Full stack of technology for independent hotel partners, from front end to accounting, data analytics and operational optimization, currently we are working with over 3,000+ Hotel Partners.
So my regional role leads me to heavy traveling between cities and countries, my schedule is to fly from Bali-Jakarta-Singapore-KL-Manila-Bangkok-HCMC-Bangkok-Phuket/Chiangmai-Bangkok-Bali , that's my working route, every single month.

Zuzu HospitalityはSAAS企業(Software as a Service)で、フロントエンドから会計、データ分析、運用の最適化まで、インディペンデントのホテルパートナーにフルスタックのテクノロジーを提供していて、現在3,000を超えるホテルパートナーと仕事をしています。

Being in very active routine, this is the hardest year ever for me. So before I decided to start ChonTea, there are always two feelings that appear every time I wake up: I miss to be in Japan (Oh, I travel a lot during my day-off / public holiday from Bangkok/ Manila to Japan, way more near and cheaper flight, that's one of the reason why I went over 10x to Japan) and I miss to be in Thailand.

So, whenever I travel to Japan, I always go to an Ochaya 
お茶屋, learning about Matcha ceremony, about Japanese tea, from there I knew some tea shops and suppliers.
Other than Japan, I have also visited Tea plantation in Srilanka, Nepal , Indonesia.



ChonTea is a "nothing to lose" project at first.
I was intended to build an extension tea room in front of my main house to host my friends whenever they visit me, we stuck and we cannot hangout during the early corona time, however, I also put the concept as RSVP only, then I was surprised that apparently from the concept of I want to share about my travel journey and sharing drinking tea together, enjoy the experience with teas, become popular.

The name ChonTea is Chon , from Thai Language (is a River) and Tea (always remind me of Japan), so combination of ChonTea for me personally is where representing and healing my missing feeling of Japan and Thailand, but meaning wise as ChonTea: you need a water and take the water from the river to make you a cup of Tea.

ChonTeaは、最初は「nothing to lose/リスクフリー」なプロジェクトでした。


2. Zuzu Hospitality(ホテルマネージメントにおけるSAAS(software as a service)会社)でフルタイムのお仕事をしながらどうやってChonTeaの活動も続けていますか。
How do you manage to work both for Zuzu Hospitality and as ChonTea?

I'm a Startup Scaling Expertise, I'm in charge as Regional Business Development Director in Zuzu Hospitality. 

At first it was Ok, because we only have tea courses on the weekend but now start overwhelmed, as the trend of hotel business is starting to pick up in Vietnam and Thailand, even Indonesia is progressing, at the same time ChonTea has high demand from customers. I cannot rest on the weekend, so I work 30 days in a month. So I told myself a few months ago, this has to either grow bigger or stop. I choose to grow, not stop.

I decided to transfer my knowledge about tea and allow other people to learn too from me, by doing delegating and transferring this knowledge , it allows me to grow bigger, I hired a full time staff and welcoming my new business partner as Co-Founder to open ChonTea Tea Salon in June/July, in here I also learn how to trust people and also open the door to grow together, because if I don't train other people, if I don't pass my knowledge to other people, I will stuck myself in a same place in Bali and cannot fly both for Zuzu and Traveling.
I cannot fly meaning I cannot get new knowledge that I can bring back home again to pass to other people, which is my team at ChonTea and my customers at ChonTea. Once all setup and transfer, borders are open soon, I can focus on continuing scaling business for Zuzu, helping my team members growing at Zuzu; and at ChonTea I will sit as advisor, focusing on product development and business strategy.

私はスタートアップスケーリングの専門家であり、Zuzu Hospitalityの地域事業開発ディレクターです。


私のお茶についての知識をシェアし、他の人が私から学ぶことができるようにすることに決めました。私の知識をシェアしていくことで成長し、フルタイムのスタッフも雇い、新しいビジネスパートナーを共同創設者として迎えました。 今年の6、 7月にはチョンティーティーサロンもオープンします。このことを通して、人を信頼し、一緒に成長していくということを学びました。
他の人をトレーニングしなければ、自分の知識を他の人に伝えなければ、私はバリ島の同じ場所で立ち往生するだけで、(現在勤めている会社)Zuzu Hospitalityとトラベルの両方ができない状態になります。

すべての準備とトランスファーが完了したら、(コロナが落ち着き)国境が開かれたら、Zuzuのビジネスの拡大を継続し、Zuzuで成長するチームメンバーをサポートすることに集中します。 ChonTeaでは、製品開発とビジネス戦略にフォーカスして、アドバイザー役を務めます。

3. 日本へは何度も訪れたことがありお茶も教えていらっしゃいますが、日本の好きなところ、(反対に)日本のちょと変だなと思うことは何ですか?
I heard you have traveled to Japan many times and you also teach Ocha (matcha). What do you like most about Japan and what you think funny/strange about Japan?

Yes, I'm beyond blessed and lucky to be able to see a very beautiful country Japan, for me, Japan has always creating beautiful memory and touch my heart, every trip even to same city is different feeling different experiences. Again, it's cheaper to fly to Japan from Manila and Bangkok, that's why I'm lucky to be able to fly many times to Japan hehehe 

What I like the most about Japan is: this country allowed me to be myself and by myself (which you dont see often in Indonesia (maybe Jakarta/ locals, where you eat alone and having Zen time with yourself in a busy cafe/ famous tea house/ even in shopping mall), nobody knows me in a big street or even at the most rural village, I love solo travel to Japan, to get lost, to stare on something and just procrastinating for sometimes.
Japan also allows me to keep learning, the culture and people itself just so mysterious, seems like having one transparent layer that you cannot see, that triggers me to keep curious and to keep coming back, strange? That's why I love it because probably I'm also a little bit strange hahaha 



4. 人生で大切な3つのことは何ですか?
What are the 3 important things in your life ?

Number 1 is my cats (Yellow san and Kati chan), they need me the most, they cannot speak, so I need to understand them. One of my dream one day I can get more involved in Animal foundation and represent the voice of animals. 

Number 2 is the people around me (I want to ensure, trying my best, that my friends, my team members are happy and healthy), emotionally I always think about other people first then myself, I love the feeling of I'm being needed and useful for people around me, to be able to help them growing and to get better together with me.

Number 3 is freedom, being free to be myself (I'm gay), to travel anywhere I want, to responsibly doing anything I want , to express love and to love anyone I want.




5. こうなったらいいなと願っていること/夢は何ですか(あなた自身のことでも、社会、世界についてでも)?
What is your dream/wish (for you, for the society, for the world...)?

Hmm.. Wish? If Wish (as not all wish come true, I wish I can at least fly a small airplane (at least chesna))

But my dream, I want to have small / even mini farm and mini vineyard in Bali, long-term dream, I want to be involved in a Animal foundation, invest on them and be the voice of animal, and last one is, from that mini farm or small farm will grow to a medium non-commercial farm but sustainable for nearby neighborhoods where there will be a bungalow/ villa inside the farm when I grow old / retired, I want to open this villa/ bungalow for other elderly gay-woman/gay-man who doesn't  have children to take care of them when they are old, so we can take care each other's with perhaps some horses, dogs and cats inside the farm house, when we all passed away, I wish some of the younger gay generations can make the best out of this farm house to keep caring for animals and for PLU (People Like Us) community.


他の高齢のゲイ・ウーマン/ゲイ・マンのためにもこのヴィラ/バンガローをオープンさせたい。年をとっても世話をしてくれる子供がいない女性・同性愛者なので、互いに助け合い、馬や犬、猫とも一緒に暮らし、一緒に世話をし合う。私たちが死んだ後も、若い同性愛者たちが、動物やPLU(People Like Us/私たちみたいな人たち)コミュニティの世話を続けることができるようこのファームを最大限に活用してくれたらいいなと思います。

Faustine, Arigatou gozaimashita! Terima kasih!



MAN in ARTLAND vol.3 壱岐FM76.5MHz ボブさん(斎藤ともゆきさん)/Radio station FM76.5MHz Mr.Bob

つい先週の壱岐!暖冬と言われながらも、気温32度のバリ島からやってきた私にはもちろん寒くて寒くて!そんな日でも、いつもニコニコのボブさんに会うとほっこり暖かい気分になりました。 スタジオも、Theプロフェッショナル! 軽やかに、いとも簡単そうに録音したものを編集する指先もTheプロフェッショナル! そんな、Theプロフェッショナルなお仕事モードの時でもいつも嬉しそうで楽しそうな壱岐FMのボブさんにお話を聞いてきました。 1. ボブさんの壱岐FMでのお仕事について教えてください。 Please tell us about your work at IKI FM76.5MHz. ラジオ局は、24時間356日休みなしで放送し色んな番組をお届けしています。僕が担当しているのは、月曜日から金曜日まで、1日3時間生放送で、3時間分の音楽やニュース、その他話すこと、ラジオを聴いている方々からのリクエストに応えるなど、楽しい時間を提供するための準備と放送をしています。 The radio station broadcast various programs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I am in charge of live broadcasting from Monday to Friday for 3 hours a day, preparing to broadcast music, news, talking, and responding to requests from people listening to the radio to provide fun time to all! 2. ボブさんがこのお仕事の好きなところはどんなところですか? What do you like most about your job? 聴く人を元気にできる!ですね。 ラジオを聴いていたから〇〇 、と言ってもらえることですね。 流れてくる音楽に何かを思い、話す言葉に何かを感じてくれて。 その何か?っていうのは聴いてくれる人それぞれです。そこを想像しながら放送するのが、自分を元気にさせてくれる。 自分も聴く人にとってもかけがえない時間が創造できる ということです♪ I can cheer up the list

WOMAN in ARTLAND vol.5 大下はるかさん/Haruka Oshimo

去年の11月に 【自分に潜るちくちく時間/make your own embroidery charm】のワークショプを開催してくださった大下はるかさんにインタビューしてみました! 1. はるかさんのお仕事についておしえてください。 Please tell us about your job. 本職は壱岐空港で、飛行機に関わる仕事を全般に行なっています。 I work at Iki airport and  I do all the work related to airplanes. 2. クリエイティビティの源は? What is your source of creativity? 自分が、可愛い!綺麗!感動! なんだかほっとするな! そんな、感覚を大事にして、気になるものには触れてみる、を大切にしています。 いままでに、気になるひとやものがあれば、とにかく会いに行ってました。そこで出会ったインドの刺繍や草木染め、唄やフラなど、とりあえずやってみたものがわたしの一部になっています。 I value my sense of feeling toward something cute, beautiful and impressive so then I touch the things I am curious about. Until now, if there were any people or things that I was interested in, I would go and meet/find them. Some of the things I've been working on, such as Indian embroidery, plant dyeing, songs and hula, that I found there are now part of me. 3. 休日はどんなことをして過ごしていますか? How do you spend your holiday? 猫とゆっくりごろごろしたり、海がとにかく好きなので、海でごろごろしたりしています。 たまに絵を描いたり刺繍をしたりフラを踊ったり。 いまはなんとなーくです