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ファーマーズ・マーケットFarmers' market in Canggu &ファーミングの名人さん募集!Looking for farming guru in Iki



How was your weekend?
Today is Sunday. There are many markets happening in Canggu, the town I live with family and located in the west coast of Bali. The local markets are opened every day from early morning but weekend markets at restaurant, cafe and yoga studio are popular among expats, residents and tourists. You can buy fresh vegetables, handmade items, organic/additive free items, artisan bread, jam, chutney, honey, soap, sweets and many more! I saw locally freshly caught seafood too! They are all locally produced. It is such a great and happy opportunity for us to be able to buy and consume locally grown and made items. This is what we can experience in Iki also!

南国の真っ青な海をイメージするバリ島ですが、ゴミ問題はとても深刻で、ぽい捨て、仕分けはほぼゼロ、ストローや買い物袋など一度きりの使用で廃棄されるプラスチックゴミ(single use plastic)が毎日ビーチに打ち上げられています。

One of the thing this type of market adopted from earlier time is that they are plastic free market. As you can see in the photos, sellers and buyers do not use plastic bags. Bali may have strong image of tropical island with clear blue sea but we have serious pollution from rubbish especially plastic. People just throw plastic away on the road, almost zero rubbish separation, a lot of single use plastics such as straws and plastic bags are left on the beach. I will write more about this problem in the future (as I do concern about this problem and want to write longer!).

農家さんたちの素晴らしいお仕事の甲斐があってのことですね。息子たちの学年が農業を学ぶ団体Future FarmersのTシャツには、
No farmers
No food
No futre

So, today I went to the market at the yoga studio Samadi where I yoga sometimes and near from my house. Of course with my shopping basket! All the vegetable are naked, not wrapped in plastic, and they actually look prettier. Small things like mushrooms are stored in a small container made from banana leaves and they are all sold by weight. I just put everything in my basket. I do not feel any inconvenience of not using plastic bags at all. The whole atmosphere of this market is so lively, fun and beautiful. It's fun that I can ask the producers directly about what they make. For vegetables, it is such a lucky thing that we can buy fresh and seasonal ones and we can eat them at its best!
Actually, our family goal this year is to be able to grow 50% of what we eat in our garden. We will start making a little garden farm from tomorrow (yes I mean tomorrow!). We are the beginner so we will just try and learn from errors and experiences. We will study and see how it goes. Our 12 years son is learning farming as part of his important school curriculum. He will be helping us at home too.
In Iki also, we can buy delicious locally produced vegetables. Thanks to the local farmers and their amazing work!
At the Future Farmers where my son and his class mates are learning farming, they wear t-shirts with messages on;

No farmers
No food
No future

That is so true and I think farming is such a needed and respectable job and definitely need to be passed on to the future generations.


Artland Ikiでは、そんなファーミングを始めたい方、教えて頂ける方を繋ぐ場をワークショップという形で提案したいとも思っています。
ファーミングされたものをテーブルでありがたく楽しく美味しく頂く、Farm to Tableのプロセスも皆さんと体験できたらと思っています。



I am sure somebody like me, the farming beginner, is around :) Anybody who is interested in farming and want advice to get started? Anybody who has experienced in farming but want more advanced advice from guru?
There are many amazing farmers in Iki!

Artland Iki would like to connect those who are wanting to start farming and those who can teach farming through WORKSHOP in Iki.
The colourful shiny vegetables and fruits are like art pieces.
The process of faming is artisan work.
We are looking into "Farm to Table" process also to appreciate what are grown and what eat at the table.

We are looking for farming guru who can host the workshop.
We are open to any ideas and suggestions so please contact me Rumi!

The last photo: on my way home after the farmers' market through cows and rice field view...just like Iki!



MAN in ARTLAND vol.3 壱岐FM76.5MHz ボブさん(斎藤ともゆきさん)/Radio station FM76.5MHz Mr.Bob

つい先週の壱岐!暖冬と言われながらも、気温32度のバリ島からやってきた私にはもちろん寒くて寒くて!そんな日でも、いつもニコニコのボブさんに会うとほっこり暖かい気分になりました。 スタジオも、Theプロフェッショナル! 軽やかに、いとも簡単そうに録音したものを編集する指先もTheプロフェッショナル! そんな、Theプロフェッショナルなお仕事モードの時でもいつも嬉しそうで楽しそうな壱岐FMのボブさんにお話を聞いてきました。 1. ボブさんの壱岐FMでのお仕事について教えてください。 Please tell us about your work at IKI FM76.5MHz. ラジオ局は、24時間356日休みなしで放送し色んな番組をお届けしています。僕が担当しているのは、月曜日から金曜日まで、1日3時間生放送で、3時間分の音楽やニュース、その他話すこと、ラジオを聴いている方々からのリクエストに応えるなど、楽しい時間を提供するための準備と放送をしています。 The radio station broadcast various programs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I am in charge of live broadcasting from Monday to Friday for 3 hours a day, preparing to broadcast music, news, talking, and responding to requests from people listening to the radio to provide fun time to all! 2. ボブさんがこのお仕事の好きなところはどんなところですか? What do you like most about your job? 聴く人を元気にできる!ですね。 ラジオを聴いていたから〇〇 、と言ってもらえることですね。 流れてくる音楽に何かを思い、話す言葉に何かを感じてくれて。 その何か?っていうのは聴いてくれる人それぞれです。そこを想像しながら放送するのが、自分を元気にさせてくれる。 自分も聴く人にとってもかけがえない時間が創造できる ということです♪ I can cheer up the list

WOMAN in ARTLAND vol.5 大下はるかさん/Haruka Oshimo

去年の11月に 【自分に潜るちくちく時間/make your own embroidery charm】のワークショプを開催してくださった大下はるかさんにインタビューしてみました! 1. はるかさんのお仕事についておしえてください。 Please tell us about your job. 本職は壱岐空港で、飛行機に関わる仕事を全般に行なっています。 I work at Iki airport and  I do all the work related to airplanes. 2. クリエイティビティの源は? What is your source of creativity? 自分が、可愛い!綺麗!感動! なんだかほっとするな! そんな、感覚を大事にして、気になるものには触れてみる、を大切にしています。 いままでに、気になるひとやものがあれば、とにかく会いに行ってました。そこで出会ったインドの刺繍や草木染め、唄やフラなど、とりあえずやってみたものがわたしの一部になっています。 I value my sense of feeling toward something cute, beautiful and impressive so then I touch the things I am curious about. Until now, if there were any people or things that I was interested in, I would go and meet/find them. Some of the things I've been working on, such as Indian embroidery, plant dyeing, songs and hula, that I found there are now part of me. 3. 休日はどんなことをして過ごしていますか? How do you spend your holiday? 猫とゆっくりごろごろしたり、海がとにかく好きなので、海でごろごろしたりしています。 たまに絵を描いたり刺繍をしたりフラを踊ったり。 いまはなんとなーくです

WOMAN IN ARTLAND vol.1 鬼凧制作者/Onidako maker 斎藤あゆみさん/Ayumi Saito

Artland IKIのメッセージである【多様性を祝福しよう!/Let's celebrate our diversity!】を、Artlandの人々の紹介というカタチでも始めたいと思います。 第一弾は、壱岐島のシンボル、鬼凧作りをされている斎藤あゆみさんに聞いてみました。 1. あゆみさんの鬼凧作りについておしえてください。 Please tell us about Ayumi-san's demon kite making. 祖父祖母から受け継いで壱岐の伝統工芸品を作っています。今は祖母と2人で作っています。鬼凧はもちろん字の通り凧揚げもしてますが魔除けの意味もあります。無病息災、家内安全の意味があり、地元では民宿や家の玄関に飾っている方が多いです。 I make traditional crafts of Iki inherited from my grandfather and grandmother. Now I make Onidako the kite with my grandmother. The kites are made to fly, but they also have the meaning of amulets. They are for  health and family safety.Many local people decorate their home entrance area with Onidako. 2. 休日はどんなことをして過ごしていますか? What do you do on your holidays? 福岡で仕事をして休日に壱岐で仕事しています。夜友達とご飯食べにいくのは楽しみです。 I usually work in Fukuoka and work in Iki on my holiday. I also enjoy going out for dinner with my friends at night. 3.今行きたい旅先は? Where do you want to travel now? 京都。何度も行っているが京都の雰囲気が好き。 Kyoto. I've been th